ADG Panorama Tools
Q: I have purchase the ADG Panorama license key but had to reinstall my windows. How do I install the license key again?
A: To install the license key just launch it again. It's desirable to reinstall ADG Panorama also. You can install ADG Panorama and registration key in any order.
Q: I like your stitching software, however the actual image that appears with the panorama would not go with my website setup, design and colors ... the gold and black face, do you offer other options with the purchased version?
A: If default panel not suitable for your website we recommend you just to switch off panel creation. You can do it using "Panorama Options" dialog, "Save Panel" option. Another possible solution - you can try to customize panel by replacing two files Panel.jpg and Slider.jpg with your files.
Q: What is advantage / disadvantages of creating an ADG File Format vs. Jpeg File format?
Note: we will probably *** not *** be using your special panel on our webpages. I seem to think the Jpeg file tour loads much more quickly than the ADG Tour.
- Main advantage of ADG format is real 3D virtual object rendering, it mean that ADG Java render implements special algorithms to correct cylindrical distortion. This correction allows to view panorama more realistic.
- JPEG panorama is flat image which is just scrolled left-right instead of true geometric calculations. It looks not so realistic as in ADG or QTVR formats. JPEG format has small file size because it does not support zoom and so no necessity to have image resolution reserve.
- If cylindrical correction not so important then JPEG format may be suitable, because require just javascript enabled, it's practically always true. You can use JPEG format if your target is wide range of web clients.
- Also, we can advice you to combine formats: Output format + alternate format (Option/ Panorama menu item).
Alternate Format :
In case of client's web browser not support main format, alternative format or corresponding warning text will be shown. List of alternatives is the following :
Warning Text - insert suitable warining text into html code (Java or QTVR plugin or JScript requared etc.)
JPEG Static - insert html code to show jpeg image in case of Java or QTVR not enabled or not installed.
JPEG JScript - insert javascript code to show panoramic image in case of Java or QTVR not enabled or not installed.
<none> - no alternatives.
Q: Is there any way to correct stitching manually?
- To start manual correction, please, click on "Select Image" button, then click on image and use mouse for image positioning. You can see the name of selected image and some additional info on the status bar. Also you can start correction using right click on needed image and "Select Image" in popup menu.
- To start common tilt and lens correction just press "Tilt/Lens Tuning" button and then click on Viewport window. Use vertical mouse movement - for tilt correction, and horizontal movement - for lens correction.
- Use CtrlZ/CtrlY for undo/redo.
- Note that you can try to repeat "Auto Stitching" - each time you should improve the result.
- Also you can try to launch auto stitching after draft manual correction..
Q: It is a nice stitching software, but I wonder if it is possible to make panorama views less than 360 degrees. I have several 120 degrees pictures I would like to show. The 120 degrees is interesting but it is not useful to go all the way around to 360 degrees. Do you have a solution for that?
- Usually ADG Panorama automatically detect full and partial panoramas. It depend on camera focus lens. In the case of partial panorama autodetection you can manually adjust focus lens and panorama angle. Just click on "Tilt/Lens Turning" button for switching program to lens edit mode, then click on panorama in main window and move mouse left-right to adjust suitable panorama angle.
- In some cases, ADG Panorama could not detect focus lens, and full panorama is detected instead of partial panoramic view. In this case you should select first image in sequence and move it to right. To select image you can use "Select Image" button or right click of mouse. Current image number under cursor you can see on status bar.
Q: When viewing panorama files locally on my hard drive, the following security message appears: "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options ..."
With the release of Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2 (XP SP2), there are some changes to the operating system and to Internet Explorer that may affect visitors to websites containing Java or QTVR.
Due to this updates, viewing a web page that needs to run active content or scripting causes the following security message to appear in Internet Explorer's yellow Information Bar:
"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options ..."
The options in the Internet Explorer Information Bar allow you to enable active content or scripting on a case-by-case basis. When the yellow Information Bar appears, simply click on it and select "Allow blocked content ..." to run the panorama viewer.
Note that this security message only occurs if you are viewing web page directly from your hard drive. If you want to run active content in all files on your hard disk, then you need to open menu Tools / Internet Options / Advanced tab / Security section and make sure that "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer" is checked.
- For more information on local active content restrictions, see Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 2 Enhancements to Internet Explorer 6.
Q: ADG Panorama displays the message "Can't save QTVR file..."
- The MOV file format of panoramas requires QTVR plugin be installed. If ADG Panorama displays the message "Can't save QTVR file..." it means that you do not have all the necessary QuickTime components installed. If you have not already installed QuickTime, get it from Apple Computer QuickTime download page.
- If you get error message after installing QuickTime, use the QuickTime Updater to install the missing components..
Q: Please help. I get an error saying that my browser does not support JAVA applications...
- The ADG file format of panoramas use ADG Java Viewer and requires JVM (Java Virtual Machine) or JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
- Most of the browsers today either come preinstalled with Java or will install it automatically the first time it is needed. However, if it is not the case and you see a big red X or a gray box where the panorama should appear then you must install Java manually.
- Although most current web browsers are capable of running Java applets, this support can be disabled. So if the JRE is already installed but applets do not work, you may need to enable the JRE through your web browser. Sun has instructions how to Enable the JRE through your Web browser and how to Enable the JRE through the "Java™ Plug-in Control Pane".
Q: Is there any parameter for the ADG viewer that will start the automatic rotation to the right when the photo is accessed by the applet (before the user uses the mouse or keyboard)?
Please download latest version of ADG Panorama Tools. This version support several new applet parameters, you can use some of them to start rotation. For example: <param name=VelX value=1.0>
See also Help, section Export to the Web / Params List PosX, PosY, PosZ defines initial positions of rotation and zoom, VelX, VelY, VeZX - defines initial velocity and PushX, PushY, PushZ - initial one-time push velocity.
Q: Is the ADG viewer capable of using parameters similar to ptviewer? For example - can it contain hotspots (or buttons) that will load the next panorama in a list when the button is clicked?
You can find suitable demo on and more detail description in ADG Panorama Help, section Export to the Web / Panorama Initializing . Hotspot can be added using applet parameter ADG, something like this:
<param name= ADG value="; area= 25,0,25,20;; area=-25,0,25,20;
Q: What is advantage / disadvantages of creating an ADG File Format vs. Jpeg File format?
Main advantage of ADG format is real 3D virtual object rendering, it mean that ADG Java render implements special algorithms to correct cylindrical distortion. This correction allows to view panorama more realistic.
JPEG panorama is flat image which is just scrolled left-right instead of true geometric calculations. It looks not so realistic as in ADG or QTVR formats. JPEG format has small file size because it does not support zoom and so no necessity to have image resolution reserve.
If cylindrical correction not so important then JPEG format may be suitable, because require just javascript enabled, it's practically always true. You can use JPEG format if your target is wide range of web clients.
Also, we can advice you to combine both formats. Just insert javascript code inside applet tag - then if Java is disabled or not installed, javascript will be used.
Q: What is the maximum resolution size of panorama I can make with your software?
If your goal is panorama web publishing then you can increase Maximum Zoom in Options dialog. Maximum value is 1000% - it mean that output image will be 10 times greater than window size. Nevertheless, output length is not higher than total length of all input images, because no sense to make it higher.
If you need large resolution for printing then you should use directly printing, using File/Print menu. In this case output resolution is the same as for input images, and total size limited by 12000*1600.
Q: I make a panorama for my class.I use area function {; area=20,1,10,10;} for every student about their homepages.When i put my cursor on a student , a square appear with my students foto.I do not want to see these squares.How can i disappear them?
You can add applet parameter "SelectColor" to assign color of the link. If you set alpha component to FF then you will get transparernt contour. For example:
<param name=SelectColor value='#FF000000'>
Another way, you can set color of every link independently, using script command "color=#ARGB" as in following:; area= 25,0,25,20; color=#ff000000;
Q: Please provide sample list of all output files that should be ftp to
List of files depend on many things - output file format, alternate file format and saving
ADG panel requires files panel.jpg and slider.jpg
ADG output format - .adg file and ADGview.jar
QTVR output format - .mov file
JPEG output format - .jpg file and ADGview.js
Most easy way - to store panorama into empty directory. In this case you will see all needed files